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Facilitating the science needed to support ocean governance and management.

About this event

Join our open event as part of All-Atlantic 2021, discussing what kind of research priorities should be taken into account in establishing a framework for international collaboration in the next decades?

Date: 2nd June 2021, from 11:30 - 13:00 UTC

The world faces global challenges that can only be met through science diplomacy, the use of scientific collaborations among nations to address common problems. Researchers, decision makers and knowledge brokers have a responsibility to develop and maintain the flow of information to create evidence-based and equitable outcomes with and for society.

A key area for research and science diplomacy in the coming years is the Atlantic Ocean, which is of huge climatic importance. In the north, the AMOC plays a major role in driving climate variability of many ocean and atmosphere systems. In the south, ocean circulation sinks at the bottom of the ocean, propagating climate signals to the ocean abysses, and participating in buffering climate change. Abrupt changes in these circulation systems could have major impacts on ecosystems and societies. Scientific cooperation and management responses as well as long-term strategies for sustained Atlantic observations are critical to fill in research gaps.

This event will highlight the importance of connected, interdisciplinary long term science to understand global physical systems, make predictions and inform future policy. Ultimately, we invite participants to discuss what kind of research priorities should be taken into account in establishing a framework for international collaboration in the next decades?


Scientific evidence of the challenge:

Vision for the future, John Bell (European Commission, DG RTD)

Panel discussion, moderation by Sheila Heymans (European Marine Board)

This side-event is co-organized by four Horizon 2020 funded research projects working on climate predictions in the Atlantic. Blue-Action focuses on changes in climate and weather in the Arctic, it works to develop and improve models that can predict climate from seasons to decades in advance. MISSION ATLANTIC works to map and assess present and future status​ of Atlantic marine ecosystems under multiple stressors. SO-CHIC seeks to understand and quantify variability of heat and carbon budgets in the Southern Ocean through an investigation of the key processes controlling exchanges between the atmosphere, ocean and sea ice. TRIATLAS aims to inform sustainable management of human activities affecting Atlantic marine ecosystems that is critical to maintain ecosystem health and support the blue economy of bordering nations.

About us

Blue-Action: Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (2016-2021)

MISSION ATLANTIC: Towards the Sustainable Development of the Atlantic Ocean: Mapping and Assessing the present and future status of Atlantic marine ecosystems under the influence of climate change and exploitation (2020-2025)

SO-CHIC: Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate (2019-2024)

TRIATLAS: South and Tropical Atlantic Climate-based Marine Ecosystem Prediction for Sustainable Management (2019-2023)

For more information, please visit:

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