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Atlantic Pole to Pole: Climate Science 2 Policy
Facilitating the science needed to support ocean governance and management. About this event Join our open event as part of All-Atlantic 2021, discussing what kind of research priorities should be taken into account in establishing a framework for international collaboration in the next decades? Date: 2nd June 2021, from 11:30 - 13:00 UTC The world faces global challenges that can only be met through science diplomacy, the use of scientific collaborations among nations to address common problems. Researchers, decision makers and knowledge brokers have a responsibility to develop and maintain the flow of information to create evidence-based and equitable outcomes… Read MoreSecond SO-CHIC webinar
"EU project SO-CHIC: New frontiers of air-sea fluxes in the Southern Ocean" with Seb Swart from UGOT, Mario Hoppema from AWI and Brian Ward from NUIG. The second SO-CHIC webinar of the series will be held at 15:00 CEST on Thursday 8th October. This episode will focus on the WP1 of SO-CHIC, investigating annual cycle time series of high-resolution air-sea flux observations of heat, momentum and carbon dioxide. To join, please register here: The webinar will be hosted by the EPB, with a recording made available afterwards on the SO-CHIC YouTube channel. Read MoreSO-CHIC Kick-Off Meeting
Paris, 15 November. All partners of the SO-CHIC project – Southern Ocean, Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate – met for the first time from 13 – 15 November 2019 in Paris, France, for the kick-off meeting of the project. In the focus: the main objectives, implementation plan and management behind SO-CHIC. Partners involved in SO-CHIC - Nov 2019 - Paris, France. “Our current lack of understanding of heat and carbon fluxes and storage in the Southern Ocean is strongly limiting our knowledge of earth energy budget and climate sensitivity. SO-CHIC attacks those issues to help reducing uncertainties in future… Read More