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Partner Presentation
NOC was a component institute of UKRI until November 1st 2019, when it detached from UKRI to become a legally independent self-governing organisation.
NOC is the UK’s largest institution for integrated sea level science, ocean research and environmental technology development. It has two sites, one in Liverpool and the other in Southampton. NERC provides the bulk of the UK’s capability for the country’s marine research community. This includes provision of major facilities (such as the Royal Research Ships and deep submersibles), and programmes of sustained observing, survey, mapping, data management and other functions. NERC has approximately 2500 employees and a turnover of ~£400M. The Centre has a strong track record of working with the EC to deliver projects. NERC plays a key role in € 15 million PRIMAVERA Horizon 2020 project that has been running since 2016. Currently (live projects), NOC has been contracted to deliver 6 FP7 projects and 22 H2020 projects (e.g. ATLANTOS), including Environment and Ocean projects as well as being involved in Space, ICT and Infrastructure projects. The Centre has successfully coordinated EU Environment projects, HERMIONE, EUROSITES and SenseOCEAN and is currently coordinating Stemm-CCS, Codemap and FixO3 (integrates European open ocean fixed point observatories and to improve access to these key installations for the broader community). In addition, the Centre has made a major commitment to the FP7 individual science excellence programmes by hosting 2 ERC Fellow, 4 Marie Curie individual Fellows and has been involved in 3 Marie Curie ITNs, 1 of which, SENSEnet which has direct relevance to this specific project, was coordinated at NERC.
Role in project
Insert a short text NOC will make a significant contribution to the work package on air-sea-ice fluxes (WP1: S. Josey). Within WP1, NOC will provide world-leading air-sea flux analysis expertise to jointly determine with the other WP1 partner institutes the dependence of air-sea heat exchange on Marginal Ice Zone concentration and use this to develop new estimates of net surface heat flux from satellite ice cover observations. Furthermore, NOC will contribute to the production by WP1 partners of a new weighted multiple reanalysis estimate of the key meteorological and air-sea interaction variables in the Southern Ocean MIZ, and to the joint evaluation of the independent multiple reanalysis and satellite-based fields.

Simon Josey
Ocean-atmosphere interactions specialist
Adress: European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH