On 25 September 2020, the European Ocean Coalition (EU4Ocean) workshop “Designing Ocean Literacy action in Europe” built momentum for collective actions and knowledge sharing. Attendants had the opportunity to share ideas with other Ocean Literacy enthusiasts, experts, and people interested in ocean issues.
SO-CHIC participated to this workshop, along with other European projects to interact on collective actions on three priority themes: Climate and Ocean, Food from the Ocean, and Healthy and Clean Ocean.
You can download the summary and the synthesis of the workshops here:
- 1 page summary of the EU4Ocean thematic workshops (25/09/20)
- 4 page synthesis of the ideas gathered at the EU4Ocean thematic workshops (25/09/20)
If you would like to be kept up to date about these campaigns and future EU4Ocean activities, you can become a member of the Platform here, the Youth4Ocean Forum here, be involved in the Network of European Blue Schools here or follow #EU4Ocean on social media.