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June 30, 2021 T. Tanhua, S.K. Lauvset, N. Lange, A. Olsen, M. Álvarez, S. Diggs, H.C. Bittig, P.J. Brown, B.R. Carter, L. Cotrim da Cunha, R.A. Feely, M. Hoppema, M. Ishii, E. Jeansson, A. Kozyr, A. Murata, F.F. Pérez, B. Pfeil, C. Schirnick, R. Steinfeldt, M. Telszewski, B. Tilbrook, A. Velo, R. Wanninkhof, E. Burger, K. O’Brien, R.M. Key

Published under the WorkPackage 2

The ocean is mitigating global warming by absorbing large amounts of excess carbon dioxide from human activities. To quantify and monitor the ocean carbon sink, we need a state-of-the-art data resource that makes data submission and retrieval machine-compatible and efficient.

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