The European Polar Science Week is one of the first results of the increased cooperation between the European Commission (Directorate General for Research and Innovation) and the European Space Agency (ESA) are working together to improve cooperation and to identify the grand science challenges in Polar research that may drive joint EC-ESA scientific activities in the coming years. It took place on-line during October 26-30 2020.
During this week, key scientists and stakeholders of Polar Science will have the opportunity discuss the major challenges and opportunities in front of us, promote networking and collaboration across projects and activities and support ESA and the EC to collect recommendations for the future Polar science priorities in Europe.
SO-CHIC, Blue-Action and EPB co-organized a session on Polar Amplification on Wednesday 28th October.
Indeed, understanding Polar amplification is important to understand the future of the Arctic and Antarctic regions, but is also vital to predict the impacts on global climate. For example, observational studies support that Arctic amplification is contributing to winter cooling at lower latitudes but most models do not currently show this connection, leading to a divergence between model and observational studies. Further model development is vital to be able to understand the links between PA and mid latitude extreme weather and cooling, and the associated environmental and societal effects.
Stay tuned for further developments on that topic, as part of the project.