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2020, what a year !

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt in many areas worldwide, including the organization of research cruise campaigns. After complex negotiations, the South African Ministry of Science and Technology (Department of Science and Technology) took the decision to postpone the cruise to Antarctica, originally planned 2020-2021 to 2021-2022.
This decision implies additional adjustments to the project’s implementation workplan such as modifying the month of completion of a significant number of deliverables (32) and milestones (11). This considered, we are discussing with the EC to extend the project by one year to complete the work foreseen and meet the project’s objectives.

Collaborations with other projects and initiatives

SO-CHIC has been active in the EU Polar Cluster, with project representatives participating in all of the Cluster’s task groups. Additionally, SO-CHIC presented its experiences at the EU Polar Cluster meeting on the impact of COVID-19, held in January 2021.

As a ‘sister project’ to AANCHOR, SO-CHIC has participated in several meetings of the All-Atlantic Research Alliance, particularly the All-Atlantic Research Forum in December 2020. As a sister project, SO-CHIC contribute to efforts to strengthen the community researching the Atlantic, from pole to pole.    

SO-CHIC Results 

Latest developments

Despite this strange period we areall facing, the project hired a total of 2 PhD students and 9 Postdoctoral students. We are happy to have them in the SO-CHIC family ! We met them online during our General Assembly last November and we will be welcoming Natasha Lucas very soon for her Postdoc position at UKRI-BAS.  

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some activities linked to the cruise campaign could not be carried out. But scientific work in some aspects of the WPs can continue, for instance, where existing datasets exist: 

  • To investigate new field experiment that contributes directly to some of the project's objectives;
  • To explore upper ocean ventilation pathways, restratification, destratification events from the past observations;
  • To produce a harmonised mooring-based ocean observation datasetfrom the Southern Weddell Sea from more than 200 moored instruments available; 
  • To create a 1/12° regional NEMO configuration based on GLORYS12 global configuration;
  • To study climatological heat budget based on Argo floats,  multi-decadal warning and wind forcing of boundary current of the Weddell Sea; 
  • and To set up the project's back end and data management system.  

D8.4: Dissemination and Communication plan

The project also aims to effectively communicate [to various stakeholders] improved understanding of the role of the Southern Ocean in regulation of global climate, and the impact of changes in carbon and heat regimes there. All SO-CHIC partners have a strong track record of disseminating project results and pro-actively engaging users and stakeholders. SO-CHIC will actively build upon the outreach activities of related national, European and international Polar, ocean and climate initiatives.

A first version of the DCP was created and submitted in April 2020.

This document will be updated continuously for a closer fit with the projects needs and objectives.

Download Report 

SO-CHIC Publications

Submitted publications

  • Fifty-year changes of the world ocean's surface layer in response to climate change, Sallée, J.B., Pellichero, V., Akhoudas, C., Pauthenet, E., Vignes, L., Schmidtko, S., Naveira Garabato, A., Sutherland, P., Kuusela, M., 2021, submitted
  • Diagnosing human-induced feedbacks between the Southern Ocean carbon cycle and the climate system: a multiple Earth system model analysis using a water mass tracking approach, Roy, T., Sallée, J.B., Bopp, L., Metzl, N., 2021, submitted 
  • Multidecadal temperature change of Southern Ocean water masses emerges from interannual variability as revealed by unprecedented in situ monitoring, Auger, M., Morrow, R., Kestenare, E., and Sallée, J.B., accepted in Nature Communications
  • Ventilation of the abyss in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, Akhoudas, C. H., Sallée, J.B., Reverdin, G., Meredith, M. P., Naveira Garabato, A., Haumann, F. A., Jullion, L., Aloisi, G., Benetti, M., Leng, M. L., Arrowsmith, C. , 2021, submitted  

Interesting reads 

2020 was after all a fruitful year for Southern Ocean and Antarctic research.Beside the publication submitted in the framework of the project - listed above - do not miss the following reads you may find interesting : 

 Upcoming events 

SO-CHIC events

  • SO-CHIC webinar:Ocean variabilities in the Southern Weddell Sea, 27thJanuary: Register here
  • Steering Committee extraordinary meeting, 4th February – internal online meeting
  • 2021 General Assembly, Autumn 2021, location tbd 

Other events

  • ASM3 Theme 2Understand: Enhance understanding and prediction capability on Arctic environmental and social systems and its global impact, 17th February - Register here
  • EMB Science Webinar, Marine Ecosystem Modeling and Observations, 18 February 2021, info here
  • European Climate Change Adaption Conference, 31 May – 4 June 2021, online event, read more
  • EGU General Assembly 2021, 19 – 30 April 2021, virtual meeting, info here
  • Conference of Parties 26 (COP26), 1 – 12 November 2021, Glasgow (UK), more info hereSO-CHIC project

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 821001

Copyright © *2021* *SO-CHIC*, All rights reserved.

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