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The Southern Ocean, in the midst of climate change

90% of heat budget accumulated on Earth is located in the oceans. To understand this global warming phenomenon, we have to investigate oceans under their surface and in particular the Southern Ocean. This is the main objective of the SO-CHIC project. Started in 2019 and coordinated by Sorbonne Université (Paris, France), SO-CHIC (Southern Ocean – Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate) gathers 16 international partners and experts in physics, oceanography, climatology and biochemistry. Funded by the European Commission for 5 years, the project aims to understand and quantify key processes controlling heat and carbon fluxes between the atmosphere, ocean and… Read More

Atlantic Pole to Pole: Climate Science 2 Policy

Facilitating the science needed to support ocean governance and management. About this event Join our open event as part of All-Atlantic 2021, discussing what kind of research priorities should be taken into account in establishing a framework for international collaboration in the next decades? Date: 2nd June 2021, from 11:30 - 13:00 UTC The world faces global challenges that can only be met through science diplomacy, the use of scientific collaborations among nations to address common problems. Researchers, decision makers and knowledge brokers have a responsibility to develop and maintain the flow of information to create evidence-based and equitable outcomes… Read More

New paper published in Nature

Summertime increases in upper-ocean stratification and mixed-layer depthJean-Baptiste Sallée, Violaine Pellichero, Camille Akhoudas, Etienne Pauthenet, Lucie Vignes, Sunke Schmidtko, Alberto Naveira Garabato, Peter Sutherland & Mikael Kuusela In a paper published in Nature recently, the authors collected a maximum number of ocean observations made from ships, floats, and marine mammal to show that the ocean is changing drastically, faster than previously estimated. Jean-Baptiste Sallée, main author gives us details : In current climate change, we expect that the upper ocean surface ocean decouples from the deep-seas, making it harder for the ocean to play its role of climate regulator. It… Read More

EPB' 25th Anniversary

In celebration of the EPB’s 25th Anniversary, a session will be held as part of the ASSW2021 conference titled “Europe in International Polar Research – 25 years of Arctic and Antarctic cooperation with the EPB”. The session will be 15:00-18:30 GMT, Tuesday 23rd March 2021 (tomorrow). You are all warmly invited to register for the session here: session is open to all. Registration for the ASSW conference is not necessary) Cooperation across national and disciplinary boundaries has long been characteristic of the European polar research community, conducive of its global leadership in research in the Arctic and the Antarctic. In celebration of… Read More

- PhD opportunity within MSCA-ITN DEEPICE

The DEEPICE project (Research and training network on understanding Deep icE corE Proxies to Infer past antarctiC climatE dynamics), funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Innovative Training Network) calls for applications for 15 fully funded PhD positions (early-stage researcher, ESR) to be filled between July and October 2021, with attractive complementary training activities and associated research and travel budgets. DEEPICE aims to train a new generation of scientists working on issues related to past climate change in Antarctica by taking advantage of the unique scientific dynamic of the on-going EU H2020 "Beyond… Read More

Interesting paper from Matthis Auger et al. (2021)

Auger M., Morrow R., Kestenare E., Sallée J.-B., Cowley R., 2021 - Southern Ocean in-situ temperature trends over 25 years emerge from interannual variability, Nat Commun 12, 514 (2021). The paper has been cited in an Washington Post article, dedicated to the Southern Ocean and its warming waters. In this article, Matthis highlights the fact that "we cannot predict if the situation will be the same as in West Antarctica all around the continent in the future, but we are now observing changes going into that direction". “This study shows the threat of subsurface water warming, that can affect Antarctic… Read More

Invitation to take part to EU-PolarNet 2 online survey on stake- and rightholder engagement conducted in European Polar research projects

The European Polar Board invite European Polar research projects to take part to this online survey on on-going and planned stakeholder and rightholder engagement in European Polar Research (Arctic and Antarctic). The survey  is open until February 28th, 2021.  This survey is an integral part of the EU-PolarNet 2 project and aims to support an effective stakeholder engagement process feeding into the prioritisation of European Polar research. A second aim is to increase cooperation between the Polar research projects in the EU Polar Cluster coordinated by EU-PolarNet 2, but we hope to expand our cooperation beyond this cluster as well.   Direct link to… Read More

Newsletter #1: 2021 here we come !

After almost 15 months since its launch and after unexpected events, SO-CHIC is summarizing its journey so far in a Newsletter. You will discover the project’s latest news and developments, as well as interesting reads from the consortium and beyond. Click on the link to find out more ! Read More

participation to the Climate Science2Policy workshop

Efficient and timely collaboration between the scientific community and policy makers is crucial in mitigation and adaptation efforts related to climate change we are facing. Scientific findings in the field of climate science are an integral part of policy-making and it is of utmost importance to boost and maintain exchange of knowledge and needs between researchers and policy-makers on a regular basis. The Climate Science2Policy (CS2P) workshop, organised by the European Commission last 17-18 November was to bring together Earth System Science H2020 projects and policy makers to identify and discuss key policy-relevant messages and research requirements to achieve the… Read More

Showcased during the All Atlantic Ocean Research Forum 2020

December 2020 - The Forum organized virtually, provide a platform for a diverse audience, ranging from policy makers, research leaders and academics to civil society representatives, entrepreneurs and the youth, to engage in inspirational topics relating to the Atlantic Ocean. The Forum showcased the progress of initiatives to support the implementation of the Belém and Galway statements. These initiatives are aligned with the relevant blueprints of the All-Atlantic partners, such as South Africa's Operation Phakisa Oceans Economy, the European Union's Blue Growth Strategy, the Brazilian Blue Economy, Canada's Ocean Strategy, as well as the relevant policies and strategies of the… Read More