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Data management and connection with climate services


WP7 will enable discovery, open access, view and download of the data generated and collected during the SO-CHIC project. Data management will be developed in coordination and collaboration with already existing infrastructures and integrators (e.g. EMODnet, CMEMS, SOOS) to avoid the duplication of effort and to facilitate a fast adoption and availability of the produced data. Active cooperation has thus always been a key issue for the development of the Global Ocean Observation System (GOOS). The In Situ Thematic Assembly Center (INSTAC), a component of CMEMS, in collaboration with the EuroGOOS Regional Data Assembly Center, provides a research and operational framework to gather and deliver in situ observations and derived products based on such observations. CMEMS INSTAC and SeaDataNet are the pillars of the EMODnet Physics that, besides contributing to adding and sharing more data and parameters with its pillars, is developing up to date interoperability and machine to machine open and free data access interfaces.

Once connected to these systems, each new dataset is automatically and immediately exposed by means of all the available interoperability interfaces and data portals. These infrastructures have been developed and updated for past decades and are now operationally working. Besides verifying measurements they already offer the collected data to users in the marine community for coastal and marine environment, marine resources, marine safety and climate forecasting and changes.

  • Task 7.1: Data collection, data interoperability and data dissemination
  • Task 7.2: Integration, ingestion of available (historical) data
  • Task 7.3: Design and development of SO-CHIC data flow
  • Task 7.4: Integration of all data (data ready for numerical simulations)
  • Task 7.5: SO-CHIC data portal
  • Task 7.6: Operation demonstration of the integrated data system

WP leader: Antonio Novellino (ETT)


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