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Project management and dissemination
To ensure an effective monitoring of the project progress in conformity with the objectives, methods, quality standards and planned allocation of resources described in the contract. This WP will also ensure the appropriate dissemination of the results to all relevant stakeholders, including the scientific community, policy makers and the public by working with all participants in WP1-7. For any printed material produced for SO-CHIC, we will ensure that only recycled and or sustainably sources paper and ink are used. The specific task are:
- Scientific coordination of the project
- Administrative and legal management
- Communication, dissemination and exploitation of results
- Task 8.0: Scientific coordination of the project [Task leader: SU – Involved partners: WP leaders]
- Task 8.1: Administrative and legal management [Task leader: SU)]
- Task 8.2: Communication, dissemination and exploitation of results [Task leader: EPB – Involved partners: all)]
WP leaders: EPB, SU
Other participants: all partners
- WP1: Air-sea fluxesWP2: Upper ocean ventilation pathwaysWP3: Deep ocean ventilation pathwaysWP4: Abrupt large polynya events shortcutting conventional pathwaysWP5: Impact on the coupled climate systemWP6: Variability and trends of heat and carbon uptake and storageWP7: Data management and connection with climate servicesWP8: Project management and dissemination